Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gundam Dynames Blueprints

Initiative: Writers for Japan

Dear readers,
After the terrible earthquake that lasted more than 400 seconds and immediately after the ferocious tsunami that has invaded Japan Lara Manni has had the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bhelping the Japanese with a wonderful initiative that wrote in here's his blog:
The idea came to me surfing. In almost every country, visual artists, musicians, writers, and organized on the web to make a donation on behalf of Japan. For example, in England have done this .
I wondered: what about us?
And then I said: let's do it.
The hypothesis is this. We open a website or blog. Posted, as a gift, a short text. A story, really. It would be nice to be bound to what has happened and is happening in Japan. But these days, would be fine also an unpublished, in the case of already published authors. Because I'd like to extend the idea to all those who write fan writer, blog and forum goers on writing. Why this is not the occasion, in my opinion, to prove that you are good, but you can use writing for a purpose. Too. So
. It posted the text and the reader is asked to one euro, not more, to be donated on behalf of Japan. Personally, I thought to Save The Children and / or Doctors Without Borders. We need to contact them, but I suspect that there are no problems.
Time: fast.
What do you think?
have already joined, via Facebook, many writers: Virginia De Winter, GL D'Andrea, Francesco Falconi, Fabio Redivo, Laura Costantini, Isabella Moroni. But many other networking: Caska Langley, Francesca Baraldi, Kei Nekomata, Diana Cullen, Andrea Cattaneo, Daniela Vio Benedetti, Federica leave, Vincent Mancuso. Surely forget someone, but the list includes a few hours ago. What do you think?
And so many have joined here in fact all the Italian authors who have joined the initiative by sending Lara Manni their story: Liam and Lara
of Antonella Albano
Hanami of Valentina Antignani
Fudoshin of Scilla Bonfiglioli
slowly die of Anita Book
Maiko of Jadel Andreetto (Kai Zen)
DOROTABO.Il monaco muddy paddy of Francesca Angelinelli
Forest (prologue) of Stefania Auci
NEW GENERATION of Luca Azzolini
MAYDALA EXPRESS of Pierdomenico Baccalario and David Morosinotto
Megami of Paola Boni
The Inn of the clothes of drinkers Isabella Borghese
Swallow of Elizabeth Bricca
The blue over the white of Luciana Busiello
The Tyrant of Eleonora Castellari
I love Japan of Alba Cataleta
The last man to Tokyo Andrea Cattaneo
Wild of Celena
Nature of Wax Valerio
This river of Jose Maria Contarino
I put a spell on you, Because You're Mine of Diana Cullen
The seller of humanity of Valentina Coffetti
Nothing Else Matters of GLD'Andrea
Farewell of Ezio De Falco
East of Lidia Del Gaudio
Eva of Cristina Donati
Pray of Momo (Monica Donelli)
Why me of Emy C
Suspended of Endif
Secrets of Altieres Virginia De Winter
When two souls touch of Teresa Di Gaetano
Noa and Momo of Alessia They
Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Arashi - Clouds on the moon, the flowers storm. of Giulia Eusebi
The night is of Eventounico
Nemesis, ~ ~ Creature from the Daat of Francis Falconi
're here for you '? of Clelia Farris
morning of Marilena Ferranti
And now he's swinging David Fivol
Forbidden Fruit of Desy Giuffre
Haiku cloud of Eufemia Griffo
The shadow of sin, of Clare Guidarini
mirror of the moon Ikustang 88
Cherry Blossom of Luthien
Ash of Vincent Mancuso
Catch of Lara Manni
An unfinished story of Stefano Marinetti
Inari no Otome of Leonard Masamune
no more than a millennium of Fabio Musati
how beautiful you are my Mom's Mavie Parisi
Sortilegio of Mario P
exterior and interior of Mirya
The end of the wind Simone M. Navarra
My friend Squitty of Annamaria Pigeon
Gaijin of William Pispisa
eyes of child Carla Pivari
The Haiku Magic Nozomi of Christian Pivari
The exile of the Queen of Francesca Poggioli
In the eyes of Koi : Erika Knoblock
I Kitsune of Cecla Randall The moonlight of Alessandra Repetto (Elf)
The Day cherry blossom of Frank Restuccia not
I want to go any Fabio Roversi
Daughter of the heart of Daniela Priests
still on track to Eugenio Saguatti
A journey of heady Emma Saponaro
Watakushi of Shanmei
W of Licia Troisi
summoned of Fabrizio Valenza
Ichigo I do not deserve to RYVecchiet
Only of Mauritius Vicedomini
Silent Voice of Anna Chiara Zambello
Global Dream of Carlo Zappulla
not find it a wonderful initiative?


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