Friday, November 21, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Black Dots On Desmume

I bought a new laptop, too bad that Vista is ...

... I found myself so well with XP!
If this is your thinking you are in the right place. I feel more and more people who complain about the performance of their new Vista PC and want to be slowed down and then putting back the good old remedy XP, Vista, perhaps without clear why some like it or because you feel cool with all those effects translucent (that kill the poor cpu / gpu to load them).
Given that this is not a guide but a simple collection of links that can be found around the net. I state also, like everyone else, that those who want to follow the instructions below you do so at your own risk, and therefore decline all liability (that I did not come to seek sentences: ... I worked at least prima facie). Also, if someone thinks that I want to violate the rights, such as those relating to copyright, I remind you that you can install Windows XP if you have a cd with a valid license that is not already assigned to another PC (for example, the old laptop).

The speech is already very long so do not dilunghiamoci beyond. The problem with the new portable in carrying out the installation of windows xp driver that resides in memory in XP installation CD. As one version of many years ago, xp tends not to recognize the sata hd, fitted with all modern laptops. We go down to specifics.

I step up the disk of the laptop
E 'need to create a partition where XP is installed. Vista provides a tool to do this, you know how to access go here.
basically you have to first shrink the partition and after having created an NTFS partition where you go to install xp. I recommend that you create the partition xp after that of view (which in turn should be after the backup (a small hidden partition).
Note that Vista does not allow it to reduce its size over 50 gigs or so. There are programs such as Acronis True Image that allow you to lower the volume but more than that value will be charged. You could try GParted which is free but I do not know if it makes Vista unusable.
a tip, take note of the size of the partitions and drive letters maybe adding to what you refer (if you have not already done with the labels).

II step, add the drivers to XP CD
At this pt the hd of the laptop is ready for XP. The CD But xp is not ready for the laptop: D
There is a program called nLite, which allows to integrate all the drivers you want in your Windows CD-ROM standard. To do this, of course, you need these drivers. This allows you to customize your Windows CD in order to put all the drivers of your PC (hence the sound card, graphics card, wireless etc) so that when you first start windows ce you have them all disponilibi. You can also integrate the service pack updates as III.
Here's a useful link that explains how to use nLite. You can even download a video that guides you step by step .
will also explain how to search for drivers. However, if you're lucky them You should also be found on the site of the house of laptop, perhaps looking for downgrade xp. If we want this operation is the most mangy (if you do not find the driver).
In this regard I suggest, first, burn the Windows XP CD with additional drivers on a CD (or DVD if you do not enter) rewritable. For if the driver entered is incorrect installation of Windows XP on new laptop locks up (but do not destroy anything not worry, you'll restart as before). Step III

installing windows xp
You are now ready to install windows xp (I have already said that I have no responsibility for what may happen there, but a suggestion, if you have a backup of important data fatevelo ...)
Insert the XP CD and reboot. Boot the CD and the drivers are correct you load the screen where the system asks you where to install. Be careful not to make mistakes, if installed on the partition of view will destroy everything. If you wrote down in step partitions I can not go wrong.

Step IV, recovery boot Vista
At this point the system will only Windows XP. This is because it is selfish to install xp on the master boot record stracatafottendosene of other operating systems (as if there just him). But if you go into My Computer you will notice that the partition view is this. To restore the boot of view, the procedure here:

1) Launch the Command Prompt as Administrator (Start> Accessories> Command Prompt> Right Click> Run As ...)
2) Type
X: \\ boot \\ Bootsect.exe-NT60 All

where X is the letter which appears in the Windows XP partition on which Vista is installed (to try to look on every partition and see if there are folders and Windows Users, typical of Vista). If you did not add the other partition will be D.

Step V , install dual boot
Restart, you'll be able to access Vista but not XP.
At this point you can enable boot xp without losing sight of two ways:
Manually Adding XP to boot
In Vista run the command prompt as Administrator (Start> Accessories> Command Prompt> Right Click > Run as administrator) and type the following commands:
Bcdedit-create {ntldr}-d "Description" Where

"Description" is the name for another OS (XP) in the selection screen (eg you can put "Windows XP")
Bcdedit -Set {ntldr} device partition = c:
Bcdedit-set {ntldr} path \\ ntldr
Bcdedit-displayorder {ntldr}-addlast

Automatically add xp to boot
Download and install the EasyBCD utility

This was the last step. If you have any questions go ahead but do not know if I can answer a short (at least this week). Remember that there
comuque Google! A special thanks goes to
cumpĂ  and indirectly helped me put together these links with G + goes where others dare not.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pirsing Genital Extrem

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Does The Jelly Bracelet Colors Mean

35 points of the lawmaker's indictment against Bush Kucinich

35 points against the prosecution of Bush Kucinich:

Article I Creating a secret propaganda campaign to manufacture false case for war against Iraq

Article II

Having falsely inflated, and systematically criminal intent attacks of 11 September 2001, falsely representing Iraq as a security threat, as part of a fraudulent justification for a war of aggression

Article III

having misled the American people and members of Congress to make them believe that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in order to make false arguments for war

Article IV

having misled the American people and members of Congress up to make them believe that Iraq would put an imminent threat to the United States Article V

Having illegally spent funds to secretly begin a war of aggression

Article VI

invasion of Iraq in violation of what is required by Article VII HJRes114

invasion of Iraq without a declaration of war

Article VIII

invasion of Iraq, a sovereign state, in violation of the UN Charter
Article IX

failed to provide protections to soldiers of the body [Body Armor] and armor vehicles [Vehicle Armor]

Article X

falsifying reports for political purposes on the death and injuries of U.S. soldiers

Article XI

have established permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq Article XII

Having started a war against Iraq for control their natural resources

Article XIIII

Having created a secret task force to develop energy and military policies in Iraq and other countries regarding Article XIV of

Failure to Report Crime [Misprision of a Felony], misuse and publication of classified information and obstruction of justice in the case of Valerie Plame Wilson, an undercover agent of the Central Intelligence Agency

Article XV

have provided immunity from legal proceedings in criminal contractors in Iraq Article XVI

and reckless misuse and waste of tax money from the U.S. about Iraq and U.S. Contractors Article XVII

Detention illegal detaining indefinitely and without charge both U.S. citizens as foreign prisoners

Article XVIII Torture: to have secretly authorized and encouraged, as official policy, the use of torture on prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places

Article XIX Rendition: kidnap people for having made them take them against their will in "places secrets "[" Black Sites "] located in other nations, including nations known to practice torture

Article XX

Imprisonment of children

Article XXI

misleading the Congress and the American people about threats from Iran, have supported terrorist groups inside Iran to overthrow the Iranian government

Article XXII Creating Secret Laws Article XXIII

Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act [the law limiting the use of the army functions police within the U.S. ndt]

Article XXIV Spying on

American citizens without a warrant authorizing a court, in violation of the law and the Fourth Amendment Article XXV

Having directed the telecommunications companies to establish a database of illegal and unconstitutional private telephone numbers and email addresses of American Citizens Article XXVI

Having announced the intent to violate any law by the Signing Statements [sort of statement Decrees of the President ndt]

Article XXVII

not have complied with subpoenas [subpoenas] and the Congress have instructed former employees because they fail to comply with Article XXVIII

Tampering free and fair elections, corruption

Administration of Justice Article XXIX Conspiracy

once a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Article XXX

misleading the Congress and the American people in an attempt to destroy the Medicare program

Article XXXI Katrina: do not have established plans in view of the expected disaster of Hurricane Katrina, have not responded to an emergency civil

Article XXXII

misleading the Congress and the American people, systematically undermining efforts to tackle Global Climate Change Article XXXIII

Having repeatedly ignored and not be answered, before September 11, for high-level intelligence warnings of planned terrorist attacks on U.S.

Article XXXIV Obstruction to investigate the attacks of 11 September 2001 Article XXXV

Having made risk the health of first responders to 9 / 11

Original title: "U.S. Congressman Moves to Impeach Bush"


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Severe Headaches Spots On Forehead

Ghosts / Ghosts - Do u believe in it?


Someone In House Has Mono, How Do I Not Get It

Obama = Kennedy?

Although the time is very different, it is impossible not to notice certain parallels between the situation that America is experiencing today with Barak Obama, and that he was living in 1968 America with Robert Kennedy.

In both cases the land was worn by a war so costly as unjustified, which had lasted too long and cost too many lives to be fought by American soldiers. The Vietnam War, commissioned by Republican hawks with the open complicity of the Democratic Johnson, and that of Afghanistan and Iraq, wanted by the neocons with the silent complicity of Democrats like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry or Joe Liberman.

disadvantaged Party, Robert Kennedy won the nomination of the party because of its position clearly in favor of immediate withdrawal of troops, ...
... that prevailed over the more ambiguous favorite contestant and Hubert Humphrey. Disadvantaged party, Barak Obama won the nomination of the party because of its position clearly in favor of immediate withdrawal of troops that have prevailed over the much more ambiguous and the favored competitor Clinton.

Both Kennedy that Obama brought their political discourse to the masses of the poor, minorities segregated and forgotten all over America, with a platform far more liberal - or more "exciting" for the base Democratic, during the primaries, but more risky for president real - of their more moderate rival.
no coincidence that the 'endorsement' most significant received by Obama during the primaries came precisely from Ted Kennedy, younger brother of senator killed in Los Angeles, and unwavering tradition bearer liberal in Washington.

Of course, everyone is hoping that the parallels end up here, and that Obama comes alive and well for the presidency in November, as it failed to make Robert Kennedy.
But it is precisely here that the differences between the two start: much more cautious and diplomatic, Obama could certainly do some good - if elected to the White House - to remedy the disastrous situation inside America, but you will not see some spear into battle against the Mafia or the multinational steel, as did Robert Kennedy instead.

But those, as we said, were other times, they were times of idealism, ideology and the redefinition of values. Today is it finally time to put into practice, grain of salt, the ideals sown with great courage and devotion by Senator killed in Los Angeles forty years ago.

Massimo Mazzucco

Friday, September 26, 2008

Muscle Spasm With Stroke

millions to save 700,000 U.S.

Presidential candidates Senators John McCain and Barack Obama met yesterday with President George Bush and other political highest level in the White House to discuss the bailout plan for banks to 700 billion dollars. The meeting ended without the expected agreement. An important group of deputies opposed the Republican package, which now seems little transparency.

Prior to the meeting at the White House, the Republican and Democratic congressional negotiators had reached a tentative agreement on changes to be introduced in the rescue plan. From these discussions at the Capitol one thing is clear: neither the government nor the opposition support the project which was conceived by the Bush administration. The four main points on which they
discussed the legislators were as follows:

split the package of 700 billion dollars in three parts.
First, the "Congress" authorizes the government to use 250 billion to bail out banks.
Then after an assessment of how the money was used, would be granted other 100 billion euro. Finally, after another inspection of how the money was spent and the benefit of concrete against the financial crisis, would provide the remaining EUR 350 billion.
The Congress gives the power to withhold payments if not satisfied with the execution of the program by the Bush administration. That is, may stop operating, rather than giving a blank check to the government.
On these points have been discussing the Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, the chairman of the Federal Reserve (central bank), Ben Bernanke and members of Congress.

The opposition has also raised four additional points:
  1. A mechanism for monitoring the fate of the money.
  2. A roof in the payment of compensation for executives of the firms affected.
  3. assistance to owners of houses damaged by financial speculation.
  4. A detailed inspection of goods "purchased" by the government to maintain its value.
These points are rejected by those who drafted the bailout: Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, the chairman of the Federal Reserve (central bank), Ben Bernanke.

We'll see ....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Respiration Of Germinating Peas

Gotta see it

If You're an American Should you see this! for real

Friday, September 19, 2008

Why Do My Arches Burn When Wear Ice Skates

LONDON - The economic crisis, the strength of the government, the decree-laws, relations with the Democratic Party, crime, Alitalia, until the crisis between Russia and Georgia, with a defense of the work Putin. Berlusconi in Milan at the all-out gala dinner at the party of Freedom. The premier also announced a forthcoming bill: "I'd like dirty public places becomes a crime" and a possible event on wiretapping. Economic crisis. "Yesterday in Paris I proposed to do as in USA. Tremonti will propose to Ecofin the setting up of a common fund equal to 3% of GDP to say that governments are there and no one will lose a single euro," said President Council. "Yesterday, Merkel could not accept because he had no powers. Today, however, said he agrees. France will do the same tomorrow." Silvio Berlusconi said he was confident that Britain will follow this way: "We should remember that they have that Ireland has already guaranteed 100% of capital." So with great pride he added: "Once again we found ourselves to be the first. Now, knowing that we are not in a situation like that of '29, we should be optimistic because the banking system is healthy." So, to paraphrase Tremonti, concluded: "It is not finance but the work that creates wealth." Unicredit. "Today, Unicredit, the only bank to suffer these days, held a capital increase reassured that the whole system: Unicredit also no longer a concern, "said the premier hot Commenting on the capital increase launched by the banking group.
Opposition . The government can go it alone, without dealing with the opposition, "which is plunged in darkness social envy." attacks the Democratic Party and Berlusconi confirmed his views on the instrument of the decree read: "'l 'only way to govern. Ridiculous that it can lead to a dictatorship. "The survey." The opposition has now sunk from Communism to sfascismo, plunged into the darkness of envy and hate society. Now we will meet Government of the needs of relying only on our forces, "said the prime minister recalled the polls that give it a popularity equal to 68.1%. "To govern ourselves." "We are determined to rule by yourself and get on with implementing the program for the Italians. I wish there was a party to make the rules together - he continued - and instead has sunk into the darkness of envy in society. Today we face the needs of the country relying only on our forces. " Decrees. Then the issue of the decrees and the risk of authoritarianism: "There is a unique tool for quick decisions and act with the decree. There is no reason to think that this system can bring the country to a regime or a dictatorship, nothing more ridiculous. "The Italian prime minister does not have the same powers of his European colleagues - he continued - can not give orders, only has the power to create a team. If there were the possibility of using the decrees would remain only the bills and, before they become law, it can take 12 to 18 months. " "No risk dictatorship." According to Berlusconi, "someone wanted to suggest that use of this tool can lead to a regime or a dictatorship. Nothing is more ridiculous - the premier said - there is always the head of state must verify if there are requirements necessity and urgency. But these requirements are almost always, with all that we have inherited. Eighteen-twenty-four months to pass a law is a time not acceptable ". Parliamentary rules. Berlusconi has also boosted the appeal to the presidents of the chambers because it will change the parliamentary rules and cited the example of ddl Carfagna against prostitution." Today I phoned the Minister Carfagna to ask what had happened to the measure. She said that the bill has not yet been assigned to the Commission after more than a month after filing. It 'clear need to reform regulations and extend a strong invitation to the presidents of the chambers in this way so that our Parliament is a tool for effective governance of our country. "Tapping." If pass the law as it is output by the Council of Ministers will not have the certainty, as Italians, they are no longer heard. "Berlusconi said he was confident that" Parliament can return to the formula that I proposed to the ministers and against which the League fought. "" I think a text as I had conceived me - he explained - which excludes the investigation of crimes against public administration, at least for an initial period. On this issue - he concluded - I think of a great popular demonstration. "Alitalia." From now on, Italy will have its own airline in surplus, the first and main attraction to tourists visiting our country from emerging nations "Berlusconi said proudly, stressing that "the left mocked and made fun of those who spoke Italian consortium and industrial project." Crime. "I sent the military in Campania and someone shouted to the risk of a dictatorship. The real danger is that a civilized country like ours has to bear the mafia, the Camorra, organized crime," said the prime minister. "We have five years of work ahead to combat organized crime at all. I want to disappear from our country and do this with the authority of the state." Forbidden soil. "It is still possible that there are certain behaviors: I'd like dirty public places becomes a crime. The argument I will present a bill at the next council of ministers Friday in Naples, "said Berlusconi, who stressed that he was impressed by the cleanliness of public places during a visit to Tokyo." We must do away with the so-called graffiti because - he added - in some of our city does not seem to be in Europe but in Africa. "Georgia." Among women who were raped and their throats cut and serious acts of violence Putin found himself in a terrible situation. The Georgian president, taking advantage of the Olympics, had taken the absurd decision to carry out an attack unusual. The reaction of Putin's logic was going to Tbilisi against a president who is guilty of these grave acts of violence. "

Loading Snowmobile In Truck

Hani Hanjour: the stunning 11 pilot in September that struck the Pentagon

this man is Hani Hanjour , the lucky pilot on Sunday that the official version say is been able to do that maneuver so difficult even for professional pilots with thousands of flying hours.

This video show the last part of the maneuver of Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon:

How many possibilities there are that a pilot who has never boarded a Boeing can do this kind of maneuver? He piloted only the little Cessna airplane, he never piloted a jet, he never piloted a Boeing.

Look the video and you decide.

Picture of Boeing 757

picture of Cessna

That maneuver is "extremely difficult" for professional pilots with thousands of flying hours behind him and is in fact "impossible" for those who have never flown an airliner, and that was even hard to drive even a cessna , a small single engine.

Not convinced?: click on " Hani Hanjour: The pilot staordinario September 11 "

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Resetting An Eminent Lock

Thursday, September 18, 2008 - The chorus of officials fiumicino

Alitalia employees rejoiced at the news that the consortium of Italian businessmen withdrew from the purchase. You open the bankruptcy. And now we hope that one of Air France and Lufthansa buying the company!

Monday, September 8, 2008

How To Wash A North Face


As usual, when you try to shake, a true, tough and especially against those who do think and reflect, once someone builds the barricades and shout: "Alarm! Achtung! Here they are! Look at them! They act as if tightening already in hand all the truth! Those rascals have come to this earth to take away our! Ingobili pirates. " It 'a blatant rigmarole that goes anvati a long time now and frankly that makes you smile. A whole network of information-based rules for childcare such as: "You have supported our game? You're a great friend! ", While half an hour after" no longer supports our game? You are our enemy! "In short, a delusion of this kind.

Not since yesterday I say that the tricks work in multiple layers and dimensions, and probably when I say I do not take sufficiently seriously. Let me be clear, is not an imposition, I ask all to be so (!), But it is a finding of another phenomenon that powers it was an illusion of life everyday, and how this trick works very least, quiet, and nest in guiding human thought and action without anyone's knowledge. So today I would like to analyze this behavior "automatic" rejection, which is inherent in everyone. Even in those, but particularly in those who call themselves "free" and "wake up" from "sleep" when in reality we find ourselves. Oh yes, because human beings are totally unable to get out of a box, and remain permanently out. Once you come out of a need to immediately enter into another, and another, in a sort of loop mechanical Gurdjieff almost a century ago was so clearly defined and clear: All humans

is entirely mechanical. If he lies, this means you can not help but lie. If telling the truth means you can not do but say the truth, and so for all.

I had no doubt that the article Teodorani widespread and which I fully agree with the analysis, but merciless agree entirely relevant, would have provoked a bit of "boiling excited" in my former colleagues. I know, have done so, is part of my character to look for better ways and short lead all'impopolaritĂ  (so one day they will say that I did it for money!). But I also know that all the unpopular ideas, in time, when times get mature allay their ancient seas and storms, those ideas are beginning to be tested and finally taken into account. All my "idols" or "masters", see N. Tesla, W. Reich, A. Puarich, R. Rife and many others, to which I have fully informed (the photos and paintings are hung Tesla almost everywhere in my house), have been unpopular and withdrawn to kick in the pants, but they left a big thing for us human: awareness of GENIUS OF INTUITIVE. How do you think then that I can be grown? With the aspiration to become unpopular course! There is something sublime nell'impopolaritĂ  visionary that is difficult to explain in words. We must live as a condition to understand it fully.

In recent years, despite a large brothel in the media, which in principle do not deny that he had left to spend a few small virus (but which I promptly eradicated immediately), I tried to maintain a stable vantage point: my. Nonpartisan, but only mine! And I could not do without in this way to see the bad habit of "big circus" conspiratorial, based mostly on the stand over here "or on" being there ", I am a" friend "you are a "enemy" and logorrheic bullshit like that. A place from which I have proudly pulled out. Was it my period of malaise, I thank them for having experienced it taught me a lot, has been trying failed to be engulfed by a bunch of strange characters, a lot of money, who wanted to buy the domain for my site for a large sum of money, as well as other websites have bought very well known for the enslave their will, that everything will be This is produced by the same hallucination hallucination hallucination that is the "reality", but I'm happy essermene pulled out, and have begun to explore the most noble and fertile land as the knowledge of myself! E 'was when I opened my eyes that I really understood the "ballet of the conspiracy in action" is a game that the slaughter will only have serious consequences in the future very close, and so far no one, and I repeat no one, had never raised the issue, agreed in part, to propose solutions to the evolution of our inner being that is powerful beyond measure. I have personal testimony to that power. I've seen it implemented on me, when I felt that my body was going to leave me, about three months ago. Why then? I mean, they are all so committed to seek the truth as they say, that they did not notice that there is no truth, because the one and only answer is dormant within us. WE ARE THE TRUTH 'LAST. There are not more to be discovered, because the external ones, are just a desperate attempt by the matrix defend itself, on many levels and dimensions.

But I understand very well that give this suggestion to people that this is because no one is really obligated to listen, and especially wind power to remove those who do want to continue to scream a scream that no one will listen. Ego and takes away power to those who have built their image of the hologram ego, which of course defend, even biting and thrashing, so is the threat they see in this type of reasoning. There is a very mechanical approach to this. They speak of unity, of cooperation, but no one really does. The collaboration takes the instant support their game, but it is enough cite an article in a site that they should not be a genius, "BEHOLD! THE deception! THE SOLD! "Ridiculous.

"We lost another friend," reads an email that I received yesterday afternoon, following the dissemination of the text of my Teodorani, written by a person that I've heard a couple of times a year. And 'this friendship?

There's a sense of "non-reality" friends. There are military operations, "secret" all over the world, which I need not mention such as they are on everyone's lips, which are performed with the approval of all governments, there is still someone who believes that bearing the signatures to the Prosecutor's Office, this will open an official investigation on those operations. But probably the past teaches nothing, some people still have trust in institutions, on the one hand we want to blacklist all as criminals and then lead us to the microchip, but on the other it is expected that they could open a case on these blessed military operations. There is absolutely no chance that this could happen, unless it first does not stop the source of this problem.

If you have weeds in your garden, would be good to tear away at the root of why they continued to grow, ruining the crop. What we are experiencing is a very similar problem. I would say that we, rather than a transaction of information, should be an operation of gardening: no more than a healthy pruning.

The Lord of the Flies

When I refer to the Lord of the Flies, some know very well who I'm talking about, but others may not, so it should be remembered. Leaving aside religious archetypes of any kind, it is certainly not an old movie by Robert Altman, but a "Strength / Mind" in this plane of existence and, some say, most likely within the operating range Plank . Accustomed as we are at archetipizzare also amburger McDonald, now it is believed that the Archons have the reins, but it is not. They are also used by this force, as are the entities that we call alien, such as the so-called "gray", true Tulpa have come to life in self-propelled bodies of plants. The truth has always been there, easily accessible, and if we had not been distracted by all this brothel, we would have easily seen. But I will speak more specifically of this Force, which will organize into a podcast very soon.

If this seems absurd to most of all conspiracy theories that are on the scene, it's only because of the fact that it was still inhabited in dualistic thinking. I'm beautiful, you ugly. I'm cool, you loser. I friend, you enemy and so on ... To be able to see very clearly the situation, we must not take sides. Let me explain. If investigating a problem, put me on the side of the skeptic in advance, takes a grave mistake because to listen to my skeptical sense, do not proceed even with the start of the investigation, and fragments of information and lose valuable data. Whereas if I believed in everything I see and hear, has taken another serious act of interference in the signal stream generated by my intuition. The best position to investigate, is neutral. A third point of view and observation of separate and distinct from first two, at all levels. A central location where they are not involved in the four planes of existence: the material, mental, emotional and one of Will (Fire, Water, Air, Land). Active short, but not concerned. Then ensure that you become "very dangerous", because then you are not manipulated by anyone, and especially by the force that I call The Lord of the Flies (ESPECIALLY FROM HIM!). And 'this is what Jesus meant when he said beware of Lord of the Flies, by princes of the air. He said "If your eye is ONE, then your body will be light." If your point of view, and observation remains firm and seconded by dual deployment, and therefore do not take arbitrary positions, then your intuition will immediately understand how things really are, and this way you will be light, or Bearer of Light (truth). So, you want the "truth"? Not to take sides! Notes and nothing else.

why I chose the esoteric path, because it is a serious work on myself, but played ALWAYS CLOSE TO CHRIST! And to think that they are not at all religious, and not at all a fan of Vatican City, but the words of that man, I have been able to test on my life and I'm really gold from which no one should ever leave, as they are powerful. I am not in agreement Who defines an imaginary myth. The word of a man resists a day. It has endured, despite everything, for 2000 years.

I am not an enemy of anyone, and respect all those who really make an effort to evolve. The others, I am sorry for them, but I am sure that soon will include. So do not read the text with eye Teodorani deployed, but with a critical eye (A). Then you will understand the real message, and you will stop seeing enemies everywhere. The real "enemy" dwells within us! It 'was written with only the love of a man who cares about our destiny and wants to tell us what he understood by many of his studies and experiences. While those who attacked him is only deployed. If you can do one of your eye, then "see".
"Blessed is he who has a soul, blessed is he who has no soul,
sofferza pain and for people who must bring it into being" - Gurdjieff

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I,ladies Tailor,bangalore

Did you know that ... Why we're

Over the last million years we have gone from the use of ' human energy to mechanical and elastic, through the animal, the wood, to reach the coal. The coal was started at the 700 and ended in the early '60s, with the advent of the Age of Oil. And now?
I got hold of the energy projections for the next 150 years.

The use of oil will be declining, falling from 38% in 2010 to 30% in 2050. Nuclear power will not come a long way: from the 5 / 6% might increase to 7%. Renewable energy like solar, biomass, wind, geothermal .. Well, do not be deceived: 8% now will earn about 12%, mind you, still represents an increase of more than 200% satisfied in terms of global consumption, which in the meantime will be increased from 11 billion tonnes of oil equivalent today - a nearly 20-TEP.
But there is one source, one of which we still have reserves for at least 200 years, and that between the 30s and 40s will prevail over all others. I'm talking about the Age of Natural Gas. And where did most of the natural gas consumed in Europe? But Russia, of course! Unless ... not build pipelines that pass outside of Soviet territory. Let's say, from parts of Georgia?

And then we talk about Georgia! In Italy comes only a part of history. There's pictures of the dead caused by Russia, sometimes patently false as those of Reuters, but no 1600 speaks of fallen dead under fire in Georgia. Moreover, at least three quarters of the refugees registered by the Red Cross are Ossetians, not Georgians! Still do not see them often on TV, right? Why? Maybe it's better to step back.

Last year, the President of Georgia has ordered a number of Israeli companies specializing in security about a thousand military advisers to train the Georgian armed forces in combat tactics. Israel also arrive in Tbilisi military and security intelligence solutions. So behind the Georgian attack on Ossetia moves to Israeli intelligence. Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem to stop military assistance to Georgia, which has put a strain on diplomatic relations between Russia and Israel. But what Israel may have interests in those parts?

From the second part of the Caspian Sea to world's longest oil pipeline, called BTC - Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. In May 2005, Baku began pumping oil, after a journey of more than one year, 1768 km long, began to flow at a port in the southeast Mediterranean coast of Turkey. From there to Haifa, the black gold is separated by a short stretch of water. After that, earlier, Putin had refused to bring gas in Israeli ports, the independence of Georgia is a fundamental key to the survival safety of the pipeline, which completely bypasses the Russian territory.
Moreover, Russia needs to maintain control over the Black Sea, to continue to exercise the role of monopoly in natural gas to Europe, Ukraine, free from the inconvenient, and thus become the new OPEC of the century to come.

And Italy? Well: while Europe is funding Nabucco, a 3,400 km long pipe, which from 2010 will carry natural gas from the Caspian Sea from the continent, to skip Russia and Ukraine in order to free itself from the monopoly that the Soviet 's Italy goes against. On 18 January 2008, Gazprom and ENI, his Russian counterpart, recorded in Switzerland, the joint venture to build South Stream gas pipeline of the same name that will bring natural gas from Russia directly in Italy. This will strengthen the Soviet leadership in the energy sector even as the rest of the world is trying to undermine it.

wonder: is this who spoke to Putin and Berlusconi Villa Certosa?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How To Congratulate Someone With A New Home

Against the War / why the military who were in Iraq are against the war in Iraq

Question: Why are veterans, active duty, and National Guard men and women opposed to the war in Iraq?

Answer : Here are 10 Reasons We oppose this war:

1) The Iraq war is based on lies and deception. 
The Bush Administration planned for an attack against Iraq before September 11th, 2001. They used the false pretense of an imminent nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threat to deceive Congress into rationalizing this unnecessary conflict. They hide our casualties of war by banning the filming of our fallen's caskets when they arrive home, and when they refuse to allow the media into Walter Reed Hospital and other Veterans Administration facilities which are overflowing with maimed and traumatized veterans.
For further reading:

2) The Iraq war violates international law. 
The United States assaulted and occupied Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council. In doing so they violated the same body of laws they accused Iraq of breaching.
For further reading:

3) Corporate profiteering is driving the war in Iraq. 
From privately contracted soldiers and linguists to no-bid reconstruction contracts and multinational oil negotiations, those who benefit the most in this conflict are those who suffer the least. The United States has chosen a path that directly contradicts President Eisenhower's farewell warning regarding the military industrial complex. As long as those in power are not held accountable, they will continue... 
For further reading:

4) Overwhelming civilian casualties are a daily occurrence in Iraq.  
Despite attempts in training and technological sophistication, large-scale civilian death is both a direct and indirect result of United States aggression in Iraq. Even the most conservative estimates of Iraqi civilian deaths number over 100,000. Currently over 100 civilians die every day in Baghdad alone.For further reading:,2763,1338749,00.html

5) Soldiers have the right to refuse illegal war. 
All in service to this country swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, they are prosecuted if they object to serve in a war they see as illegal under our Constitution. As such, our brothers and sisters are paying the price for political incompetence, forced to fight in a war instead of having been sufficiently trained to carry out the task of nation-building.
For further reading:

6) Service members are facing serious health consequences due to our Government's negligence.  
Many of our troops have already been deployed to Iraq for two, three, and even four tours of duty averaging eleven months each. Combat stress, exhaustion, and bearing witness to the horrors of war contribute to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a serious set of symptoms that can lead to depression, illness, violent behavior, and even suicide. Additionally, depleted uranium, Lariam, insufficient body armor and infectious diseases are just a few of the health risks which accompany an immorally planned and incompetently executed war. Finally, upon a soldier's release, the Veterans Administration is far too under-funded to fully deal with the magnitude of veterans in need.
For further reading:

7) The war in Iraq is tearing our families apart. 
The use of stop-loss on active duty troops and the unnecessarily lengthy and repeat active tours by Guard and Reserve troops place enough strain on our military families, even without being forced to sacrifice their loved ones for this ongoing political experiment in the Middle East.
For further reading:,13319,FL_loss_092704,00.html

8) The Iraq war is robbing us of funding sorely needed here at home.
$5.8 billion per month is spent on a war which could have aided the victims of Hurricane Katrina, gone to impoverished schools, the construction of hospitals and health care systems, tax cut initiatives, and a host of domestic programs that have all been gutted in the wake of the war in Iraq. 
For further reading:

9) The war dehumanizes Iraqis and denies them their right to self-determination.
Iraqis are subjected to humiliating and violent checkpoints, searches and home raids on a daily basis. The current Iraqi government is in place solely because of the U.S. military occupation. The Iraqi government doesn’t have the popular support of the Iraqi people, nor does it have power or authority. For many Iraqis the current government is seen as a puppet regime for the U.S. occupation. It is undemocratic and in violation of Iraq’s own right to self-governance. 
For further reading:

10) Our military is being exhausted by repeated deployments, involuntary extensions, and activations of the Reserve and National Guard.
The majority of troops in Iraq right now are there for at least their second tour. Deployments to Iraq are becoming longer and many of our service members are facing involuntary extensions and recalls to active duty. Longstanding policies to limit the duration and frequency of deployments for our part-time National Guard troops are now being overturned to allow for repeated, back-to-back tours in Iraq. These repeated, extended combat tours are taking a huge toll on our troops, their families, and their communities.
For further reading:,0,7198945.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Question : Why do Iraq Veterans Against the War call for the immediate withdrawal from Iraq?

Answer: There are several reasons why immediate withdrawal is the critical first step toward solving the problems in Iraq.

A) The reasons and rationale given for the invasion were fraudulent. 
There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq during the time of the invasion according to US officials and former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix. The idea that Al Qeada and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were connected to Saddam Hussein and the Baath party were proven false in the 9/11 Commission Report. Members of the Bush Administration have admitted that they “misspoke” in the run up to the war. 

B) The presence of the US military is not preventing sectarian violence.
The US occupation of Iraq has proven to be unable to prevent sectarian violence and halt an escalation towards a civil war. Despite having an average of 140,000 troops in country since the occupation began, internal violence and attacks against civilians and Iraqi security forces have been on a steady incline.

C) The occupation is a primary motivation for the insurgency and global religious extremism.
The insurgency can be broken down into many individually named factions with various goals, beliefs, and techniques. However, our membership of veterans believe that the occupation of Iraq is the primary thing encouraging the insurgency and giving it legitimacy in the eyes of many Iraqis. Likewise, other people of the Islamic faith are encouraged to resist America ’s policies internationally based on how they perceive our military operations in the Middle East.

D) We can no longer afford to fight this war of choice.
The financial burden is destroying our domestic programs that could be used to protect us from natural disasters, provide medical programs, or help improve education. We are jeopardizing the US economy and putting strains on the budgets of important government agencies like the Veterans Affairs Department. 

F) National security is compromised.

Funds that could be used to protect our ports and transportation are being stripped away while our National Guard units are on constant deployments instead of being used to protect and defend us here at home. 

G) The world is becoming more dangerous.
International terrorist attacks have increased and it has become more dangerous for Americans to travel abroad. Approval for US policy has decreased and the dislike of Americans has increased.
Our national “moral authority” is being undermined.
The US has lost credibility to much of the world as the defender of liberty and freedom and our national identity is eroding. We can no longer deploy our armed forces for peace keeping measures with the good faith of the international community. We need to regain the respect and faith of the global community. This begins by withdrawing our troops from Iraq and helping the Iraqi people rebuild their country and society.

H) The majority of American citizens, Iraqi citizens and US military would like to see an immediate end to the war in Iraq. 
If we are truly a democracy and we aim to create a democracy in Iraq our leaders will represent the will of the citizens and lead according to their wishes. 

I) The military is broken.
We are abusing the small population of armed service members with multiple deployments while using inadequate vehicles and equipment. Less than one half of a percent of the American population is serving in the active armed forces, which is the least amount in the last century. Only 25% of the troops in Iraq are there for their first tour, while 50% are there on their second tour, and the remaining 25% are there three times or more. We continue to involuntarily extend soldiers with Stop-Loss, recall them repeatedly for additional service using the Individual Ready Reserve, and send soldiers with diagnosed medical problems into combat.

for all the info, click on the logo

Monday, September 1, 2008

Building Grinall Scorpion

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mountains Biffy Clyro Free Sheet Music

Handwritten letter from President Saddam Hussein to the American people. July 7, 2006.

Lettera manoscritta del Presidente Saddam Hussein al popolo americano
-7 Luglio 2006-


Inglese / italian site

Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussien When They Were friends

the American people: / To the American people:

Peace be with those who believe in peace and desire it, and with it also have God's mercy and His blessings.

I address you with this letter from the place where I am a prisoner, in an effort dictated by my responsibility 'moral, humane and constitutional, so that' you can not say that no one has' turned to you with a message of peace after the war began, and has not refuted the causes and desired peace both for yourself and for our people, straight, true and heroic.

And I say this 'knowing whether my brothers and comrades outside the prison led the resistance is being brought into contact with you,' cause of my arrest until now your leaders have "democratically" prevented me some news reached through print, radio and television, complete isolation from the world and isolating the world from me, that 'I could hear or see anything of what' is happening outside of my prison.

E 'this the true face of democracy and human rights of America's much-ballyhooed out? Or those who command you lied about them? I refer to people killed in prisons, some of them from the guns of the same American investigators. Or all this - or any other details that would make hair stand on end - and there 'was hidden from your leaders, never to know the truth'?

I appeal to you, however, with this letter hoping that it reaches you and that you read or listen. And this 'cause I feel obliged to bring the facts to the attention of the people, whatever their color or their nationality,' because 'this is our duty towards it, so' as it has a duty to us not to accept the bad.

I write 'cause I suggested it to my lawyer, the eminent lawyer and Professor Ramsey Clark. Both he and his colleague Professor Curtis Dobler is an example of great humanitarian and I had a personal impression of them very positive. I rather take this opportunity to pay tribute to their courage, 'cause they offered to defend myself spontaneously despite knowing the risks they face in carrying out their task, in particular after criminals have already' murdered four lawyers who defended me.

American people: I still feel that your rulers are still lying there and they have not told the real reasons that led them to attack Iraq. From the beginning they have deceived not only the community 'internationally, and particularly that of Europe, but also the peoples of America themselves, knowing beforehand that the facts were the opposite of what' they declared. False and 'even as they said after their lies came to light, and that means' who had misled the secret services and their stooges who were brought to Iraq as their puppet, just as they always have the old imperialism and the old empires of the nineteenth and twentieth century. This' I am saying is based on several facts. Here are the main

1 - The commission of inquiry. They came to Iraq in the name of the United Nations and even private homes were searched, as well as government offices, presidential palaces, and to inspect government documents. Those committees were well aware that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, 'cause many of their major components were American and British spies and agents in addition to having volunteers of other nationalities'. All these people have sifted the whole Iraq from end to end and have not found anything different from what the representatives of the Iraqi government had told them.

These inspections lasted more 'for seven years, and have been made not only by means of committees who have turned in the car and on foot, even with spy planes, helicopters, satellites and spacecraft. The American and British officials saw this as their historic opportunity to strike Iraq and destroy its legitimate aspirations and valuable cultural and scientific achievements which it was received in 35 years. To do this they used the information gathered by spies who had entered in the commissions of inquiry and have used the so-called war on terror began after the September 11 that shook America. They cheated the cards to reach the goals that already 'had set, and these goals are not what they had publicly announced at the beginning. They

had established that the unjust embargo had not destroyed the free will 'of Iraq will' shut down its legitimate aspirations to develop from an economic point of view, culture and science, and as civility 'in a situation of new independence. They thought at that time Iraq was close to circumvent the economic embargo with the help of those who cooperated with Iraq on the basis of mutual benefits and feelings of the Arab national brotherhood. The rulers of your country, then they thought it was time to impose their will 'to the world through control of oil in the Middle East and its production and trade by new views and new purposes (those of which we discussed in 2003 and before) in addition to reaching one of their Zionist goals and win votes in elections. Iran and its lackeys' have also played a dirty hand in painting the attack as a seductive and facilitate its implementation.

2 - After the pressure on them had increased, the U.S. officials went, but states' that the facts were the opposite of what they had claimed before the invasion of March-April 2003. If they had honestly stated that they were misled on the information received and that they had used as cover for the invasion, and that, as they said, enough to justify (saying at the time that this 'risk to U.S. security), if they had this honest' - I say - after they had discovered that the information was false should go, with apologies for what 'they had done against the heroic Iraqi people, the American people, and peoples around the world.

No American has ever asked his government before the war, as a backward country like Iraq could still threaten the safety of America across the Atlantic, it 'cause you would never threaten, jackets' America did not still violated the territory of Iraq. If American officials wanted to assert the claim that Iraq's threats related to the opposite attitude of Iraq and American employment Zionist occupation of Palestine and other Arab territories, one might say that Iraq is not 'the only one Arab states and the world at this point to have an attitude opposite to that of America. Besides, who has authorized America to compel other countries around the world to adopt a policy on the extent of America, and if you do not obey them in trouble, 'cause it will make' their war? Who can 'lend credence to the calls on American democracy if America does not accept opinions other than his points even on a regional, let alone international ones?

Another lie of the American government were the alleged links Iraq with what 'it calls terrorism, Blair said even if very clear that Iraq had no link with the so-called terrorism and had no internationally prohibited weapons, forcing 'Bush to declare the same thing. Despite albeit that 'none of the personality' American view has asked Bush about what kind of rational analysis or what specific information such claims were based.

Ladies and gentlemen, you know 'cause they have not asked? Why ' some of your personality 'in view of their actions are influenced by hidden forces that distorted the image of Iraq that you have received. These forces have prepared the groundwork for years to facilitate the attack on Iraq from the beginning. So 'no one has asked the American officials, for example this: why no Iraqi took part in the events of September? And if the participation of individuals to attacks on American targets is not considered proof of the involvement of states with such facts, 'cause then accused of relations with the so-called terrorism a state like Iraq, where the political system and' know? How can you accept this accusation as one of only two, and on the basis of which 'was launched aggression against the people of Iraq that has destroyed his possessions and his achievements and the lives of its citizens subject to daily and direct threat?

You know, dear ladies and gentlemen, that a couple of weeks after my arrest, I asked one of the American officials with whom I was talking about what they were based on these false accusations? As for weapons of mass destruction, his answer was: "we had nothing that would confirm what were saying." And as for links with terrorism, he said that the allegations were based "on the fact that you, Saddam Hussein, you have not sent Bush a telegram of condolence to the eleventh September.

to this' bitter smile and said: "About your claim that you did not have confirmation of what 'we said, it seems that your officials lie and imagine that those in the rest of the world do not tell the truth' or which does not tell you the many who have sex with you it 'when it is against your policy' when they are in favor of it. And the fact that nobody in the world says America 'this is a mistake' or 'this is inaccettaile' is very dangerous not only for the peoples of the world but to America itself. "

" And in the when American planes bombed Iraq and destroyed, killing its citizens - including women and children - for no reason, and even your embargo prohibiting the import of pencils for elementary schools, because 'Saddam Hussein would never have sent a telegram of condolence to the president of a state whose emissaries committing such crimes, ammenoche 'it were not for hypocrisy and weakness? If you do not have the mandate and 'cause I'm not a hypocrite' weak. But I did send one on behalf of the government, by Comrade Tariq Aziz Deputy Prime Minister to our friend Ramsey Clark and through him to the bereaved families. "

great nations are so 'in error to imagine that if one does not sends a letter of condolence deserves that face the war to him, to his country and his people? From this you can see how the U.S. rulers have used Financo your blood for their reckless, aggressive policy. Is this the morality 'that a man or an officer must have? And nothing 'more' serious disasters that devastate nations because of deceit, injustice and arbitrariness'. And this is' just the worst disease of American officials who involved the Americans in a war against Iraq.

3 - After my arrest they made vain attempts to threaten and intimidate. One of their generals directing these threats and intimidation, and seeking 'to bargain with me by promising to let me alive if I accepted sign and read [on television] a statement already 'prepared to show me'. With this stupid statement I had to invite the people of Iraq and the courageous Resistance to lay down their weapons. My partner told me that if I refused my destiny was to end up shot just like Mussolini. But as you know, and as I know, I refused with disdain and would not even touching that dirty document with a finger. And I told them that if I could turn to my people I would say even to resist even more '.

After seven days, maybe more 'courage, sent to speak to a group of people. They said they had a university 'American and wanted to have with me a frank exchange of ideas. I agreed and I confirmed to them that Iraq had nothing of what 'the American officials said, adding that I counseled Americans to leave Iraq quickly after their apologies to the people, warning that otherwise would go to meeting to what they are facing now and they are stuck, and that the two halves' of Iraq they would be overwhelmed and could never leave him with weapons and baggage. And overwhelm them, God willing, 'cause our people have a solid foundation and knows her. And the people also know that our liberation can 'take place in a clean and complete only with the unit', that tolerance should be the basis of its guidelines, and that the wounds should be bandaged and not already 're-opened.

Well, then I told them this, but have not changed their methods have not changed the keys of their falsehood ', and knocking on the doors instead of the error groped those of legitimacy', but now they know how they are things. By the way: I enclose with this letter a few verses of a long ode ... [snip].

4 - Is not 'it' reasonable or 'convincing that a country like America, which have been opened all the doors of the secret services of many Eastern and Western ones, did not know the truth' and not was able to meet you. Although I believe and I believe that many countries have an interest in war or wars in general, the United States is not among them, although they may believe that they have this interest. Things, in fact, are just the opposite.

America and 'a big country in the dilation' of the Atlantic that has achieved unparalleled power, and I think that they are 'people who think being on the road to become masters of the world and make the world an empire of their own. Have they learned their lesson from the Vietnam War? The West used to support the idea that world Communism and the Soviet bloc threatened their interests and also the security of all the West, but despite this argument was just a thin cover. And yet the Americans have used and if they are wrapped until 'the heroic Vietnamese people expelled them by force.

As to their invasion of Iraq, you know 'in a situation that made it easy the first paso from the standpoint of the reaction of the community' internationally through the international balance of forces. But it 's also a situation that could make this invasion more' expensive than the Vietnam War, and this because 'when America was expelled from Vietnam did not lose the esteem of the people, or we can say that he lost only a small part. But once expelled, and in defeat Iraq will have 'lost the fundamental basis of the overall estimate.

America, in fact, has already 'lost the basis of this estimate, and his reputation began to decline. It is not 'more' able to wield the big stick that first threatened to use, and it was more 'threats to use force to use it effectively. And I want to add that after the war in Iraq that does not scare most stick 'as the people, and America' reached the point of needing silence even more of the countries' small and simple, and try to ingratiate himself to make them feel good despite his crimes and his deviant and reckless policies.

First, several countries the world did the court to the United States is the most 'of them, except a few, feared their threats or circumventing discussions with defense. But now Mao Zedong (of blessed memory) laughing in his grave, 'cause his prediction about America - a paper tiger - and it' true. And thanks to the will of the Almighty and those of his agents on earth, as the heroic Mujahideen of the glorious, virtuous, militant holy war Iraq. God bless the heroic people of Iraq, and God bless the jihad and the mujahideen!

Ladies and gentlemen of the peoples of America, gone are the days when the most 'big and better equipped armies could mess up the formations armies of opponents and hasten the end of the war. Now you see our courageous army, our heroic people, and our Mujahideen replacing the system of organized formations with a new kind of war. And when the Americans are on the ground targets of the revolutionaries, who attack them as human bombs with nothing more than their bodies filled with faith in God, the superiority of 'American wears out sooner than expected, and as soon as this superiority' will become 'a burden which will be' hard to ignore.

Then, they hear 'America the voice of rationality' and logic suggests that to preserve what 'that still remains, or Satan the deceiver and the hate-filled supporters of Zionism will continue to push forward the Americans until the waves swallow them and plunged into the sea? Who, after all, has asked the U.S. government of being a policeman of the world, to shape the world according to his tastes, and to issue orders to the nations of the earth?

Saddam Hussein, ladies and gentlemen, and 'an honorable patriot and an honest man, a man was decided to enforce the law, just, but benevolent, who loves his people and his nation. He and 'frank and loyal, not a double game and not misleading. He says the truth 'even if v' itself. Like these at the tyrants like Bush? If he had a person as a de Gaulle or even like Reagan, perhaps understand, or at least not abhor. But I tell you, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, that your country will discover 'more': finds out 'that has lost its reputation and esteem of the people. And the American who ran the world, respected, safe, well-received everywhere, now can not 'take a step outside America without taking along a mine detectors, and the Department of State emits continuous warnings about parts of the world of life-threatening Americans.

This atmosphere of anti-American hatred in the world have created the American officials with their arrogant behavior, their haughty aggressive attitude, their contempt for international law and the security of the world (including my Arab nation, with the support they give to the Zionists in Palestine), as well as other world and human problems.

Today you are in a bad situation with the world, and nobody can 'tirarvene out except yourself. If correct, will open 'for the world and for yourselves a new opportunity'. But if you're not careful ... they are your own business. This 'of which you have need for your safety and' a world free competition and free, and peace.

The years after the eighteenth century were already 'spent some time when the invaders are back in the Middle East to awaken memories of things which it life and had given it had raised. The Middle East and the Arab lands in particular, and 'the cradle of prophets and messengers of God's land where the prophets are buried in their graves and' perhaps now the home of devils and their illusions, that of malicious invaders?

we believed, and our faith was made for us.
Then came the Zionists, led by a demon.
We were attacked as invaders, unjust.
not have stopped their advance they 'have stopped.
Their diabolical patron has prepared their plan. But we
protector for the merciful God.

People of America: despite the crimes your government has committed against us, against our Arab nation and against humanity ', the people of Iraq (and I mean the true Iraqis, not the dual face that prefer to serve foreigners instead of their people), the freedom of people' Iraq, even in our times not only cares about his fate, but also that of others, and when 'can find a solution for a painful problem.

On this basis I have already said 'some Americans, in my prison,' cause there agreed with the Resistance to designate a country that has legal capacity and authority 'that the Resistance can hand over American prisoners captured instead of justice, as says that to happen? In fact, the extent to which the resistance does this not 'know, but people objectively knows that America does not follow in its activities' in Iraq to international law, including the Geneva Conventions regarding prisoners of war and prisoners. The resistance in Iraq has no safe place to keep his prisoners, so that ', which is solely responsible for what' is the resistance, or that they are third parties that have no relations with it, the fact remains that it did not a safe place to keep prisoners.

Therefore, in order to fulfill humanitarian needs and remove any justification for the killing of prisoners, I make this proposal - and the best of intentions - much to you that the Resistance and to anyone who can relate to. If the accept and abide by the Geneva Conventions, there will be no more 'excuses for those who kill the prisoners. However, if your government will not accept ', it will be' responsible for the refusal and the consequences it will have 'for our people and our heroic resistance resulting from a failure by your government of international law. And this will be 'particularly important in the future there will be' an increase of American prisoners, and I think that will increase. Or maybe your government opens its eyes on things only when touched by hand?

Dear ladies and gentlemen: and 'now that your government begin to consider all people as equal before international law regardless of the size of nations to which they belong. Anyone who violates the international law with its policy and with the conduct of his army he alone must bear the consequences. And if his policy does not follow the dictates of international law, has no right to ask others to respect its rights under these laws.

Dear ladies and gentlemen and those who 'missed the opportunity to take action to avoid war, it still has a chance' to try to end it and to return to Iraq for peace and freedom 'second choices that his people will do 'and without foreign interference anyone.

American people: I turn to you because of weakness or as a supplicant. I, my people, my brothers and comrades, and my nation, we turn to you based on our responsibility 'moral and human. I repeat that your rulers, and in the first place your President, you lied and you have deceived and cheated by using the media that portrayed Iraq as incorrigible, and Saddam Hussein as a hateful dictator, hated by his people and which it could not wait to escape. Some of these media have pushed their lies far as to state that the Iraqis would greet the invading armies with roses and celebration.

I know that many people do not stop to quibble, and that it has no 'time it' chance 'it' the will, when Ammannato false information, make inquiries to find out the truth '. As just one example, the Americans have not been able to verify this: why, if the Iraqis hated Saddam Hussein so much, he had managed to defeat the Iran of Khomeini after eight years of a war of aggression imposed on us by him with the slogan of exporting the revolution beginning with Iraq? Americans: the victory of Iran and Khomeini 'was a quick affair, but it' came only after eight years of harsh military operations in which they fell thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of thousands of Iranians.

And then, if Saddam Hussein was a dictator, why in 1980, during the war, stable, 'a parliament in Iraq with regular elections when there was one from 1958? If he and his government were dictators, how could he visit schools, universities ', cities' and villages, and spend nights with his people after sundown? How could travel and go to the front at night and day and in the trenches in a war zone between the Muslim soldiers?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your government has just deceived, and you, or rather many of you, have not been able to discover the truth ', or by you or by others, because' the lobby Zionist who advocated the war together with some of the centers of power you cheated and you cheated, hiding the truth in your eyes' and replacing the true facts falsified or misleading information. And one more thing: If Saddam Hussein was a dictator hated and despised by his people, why this and why it has endured 'chose him as president in a referendum?

People of America: the misfortunes that have struck (including the collapse of the esteem and reputation of America) and have hit our Arab nation and our heroic people, were solely caused by the reckless behavior of your government and the pressure of Zionism and power centers, which have influenced urging him to commit those crimes and scandalous actions for those specific reasons that have nothing to do with the interest of the American people. The massacres and blood that is flowing in torrents in the streets and countryside of Iraq, the head before anyone else, and 'America.

You know, or maybe you have now begun to understand that 'minions that the American armed forces have brought with them on the air or on their tanks as a shameless gift, it' Iran, which has led and continues pushing forward those who support them and who they support, they could lead to bloodshed and destruction of property and honor 'of our people of our state and if America had not undertaken the aggression and invasion, and given their instructions, and the so-called Green Zone, it will be 'still. So, 'who bears the burden of all these crimes and the violence and' America. So: you want to stop what is happening using the methods of the truth 'direct without detours and evasions or would like the machine of death continues to kill Iraqis and Americans do nothing to solve the problem?

This is 'your responsibility' in the face of history, ladies and gentlemen. If you repent, you can save what remains of the esteem and reputation of America and its interests, if you do nothing, will want to 'say that you remained silent in the face of evil: "Oh Lord, grant us the perseverance and makes' die as Muslims." [Quran 7:126].

American people: the wars that your government promotes in the world, including that of Iraq, under the influence of certain power centers that you know better than me, do not make the interest of the American people. You know better than anyone how much blood have paid to free from British colonialism and after that 'as the United States are united, and more blood what' it cost. So, ladies and gentlemen, as you can accept this dissonance that degrades more ' America than degrade Iraq? As you can accept not only the invasion, but to smear in the internal affairs of Iraq? A land of prophets, messengers and figures straight, Baghdad, the fourth city 'holy of Arab land (after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem), under the eyes of the whole Islamic world and the whole Arab nation. How can you think that Iraq would accept a new colonial government, although this now comes under a different name and with other slogans? Save your country and leave Iraq!


"God and 'great'.


Saddam Hussein,

President of the Republic of Iraq and Commander in Chief of the Mujahid Armed Forces.

July 7, 2006.