Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is It Safe To Put A Fridge In A Closet

In My Mailbox (3)

Sorry for the delay but I had a week packed with commitments and we start immediately with the purchase of this week:
start with 'The Dart and the Rose "by Jacqueline Carey's first volume of "The trilogy of Kushiel " here's the plot and the cover:
Terre D'Ange, a kingdom founded and populated by angels individuals that truly exquisite freedom is accompanied by an unconditional physical and mental. A single guiding precept fact that dominate the Thirteen Houses: Love at your leisure. Designed from an early age to serve in one of the houses, Phèdreè born with a scarlet speck in the left eye. For many, an incurable defect. For others, a sign of rare and shocking: the Dardodi Kushiel, the mark that distinguishes the "anguissette," those who can mix the pain and pleasure in nature and not by compulsion. But when the noble Delaunay redeems, the future of Phedre opens into the unknown: will not consume his days as perfect courtesan, becomes a spy. The Kingdom of Terre d'Ange, in fact, are restless and agitated, and Delaunayvuole discover who is plotting in the shadows ... Disturbing heroine, a saga inspired by poets and courtiers, priests, warriors and queens, princes wandering, an epic set in an atmosphere reminiscent of "The Thousand and One Nights" and that winds through court intrigue and dangerous liaisons, Travel and revelations.

Then I bought "The smell of blood" by Nalini Singh that as I had already talked about is the first volume of the series' Guild Hunter "here's the cover and the plot:
hundred years of slavery in exchange for eternal life: this is the covenant that is between a man who wants to become a vampire angel who decided to create it. Apparently a deal is very beneficial, but often not respected and, if a vampire flee before the deadline, it is for the hunters find him and return it to its owner. In New York, no one does this job better than Ellie, because she has the innate ability to "sniff" the lust for blood. And it is precisely because of his extraordinary gift that is chosen by Raphael, the archangel of the city, for a delicate task: neutralize Urami, an archangel who became a brutal murderess. Ellie can not refuse, even if it is a suicide mission: no human can in fact defeat Urami, and, in the unlikely event that managed to survive the punishment for failing would be worse than death. However, is adamant about one thing: never accept the proposal by Raphael to be his new mistress. But Ellie soon discovers that you can not resist the charm of an immortal.

And finally, I bought "Raiders of the Night" by Alice Henderson and here is the cover story:
Madeline has always had a gift: to see, the only contact with a person, glimpses of his past. A precious gift that has enabled it to be helpful in finding lost people, but who also ended up isolated from his family and friends. Sought refuge in the quiet of remote Glacier National Park, has finally found peace, far from any human contact. Until the day when the forest is overwhelmed by a sudden flood. Madeline, before you lose consciousness, he confused the perception of a mysterious force that wants to drag the darkness of deep water, but when he wakes up is safe in the arms of a man. From that moment on, though most will never find peace. He feels that someone or something in the shadows, the light, follows her everywhere. Your enemy is hungry. And only you can saziarlo.
The next Saturday with "In My Mailbox"


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