Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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News: "Black Moon-The game of the Vampire" by Keri Arthur

As I alluded recently, the fourth volume in the series "Black Moon" by Keri Arthur protagonist always our special cubs Riley Jenson as I had already informed the book released March 3 and here is the cover of Italian and various information of the book:
Title: "Black Moon-Playing Vampire
Original title:" Dangerous Games "
Author: Keri Arthur
Publisher: Newton Compton
Pages: 320
Price: € 12.90
In Melbourne underworld, there is a disco every fantasy and desire. But for Riley Jenson, the club has become like an obsession. Riley, a rare hybrid of vampire and werewolves, there is not the pursuit of pleasure, but an unknown killer who is using the dark night as his hunting ground.
Riley investigates inside a nightclub. To complicate things we bring you a sexy barmaid, a former popular vampire (Quinn) and a new lover ..... werewolf and a demon.
The author:
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, still lives there with his daughter.
claims he had a passion for the world of elves, dragons, werewolves, vampires and ... Talking horses, ever organize small.
Before turning to Scripture alone was responsible also for Meteorology and kitchen.
His books and stories, ranging from paranormal Urban fantasy, have received significant critical acclaim and a great success. Black Moon. The dawn of vampire (Newton Compton 2010) is the first installment in the book series that features the heroine Riley Jenson, a fascinating mix of vampire and werewolf.

author's website!


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