The understanding of time, seasons and the cycles of the Maya has proved large and sophisticated. The Maya interpret 17 different calendars, some of which calculate the precise time for a period of more than 10 million years. The calendar, which since 1987 has steadily received global attention is called Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij, it was conceived a long time ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, is still held sacred.
With indigenous calendars, native peoples have preserved the memory of important historical moments are crucial. The Keepers of time studying the calendar, for example, have identified an important date in the year One Reed (A reed, ndt), Ce Acatal, as he was called by the natives. By that time prophesied the return of an ancient ancestor, "which would come as a butterfly." In the Western calendar
One Reed date is Easter Sunday, April 21, 1519 - the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 English galleons arrived from the east in Mexico, near what is today called Vera Cruz. As the ship approached the English coast, the natives waited and watched as it turned out, the sails of ships certainly remembered the vanguard of butterflies that touched the surface of the ocean.
Thus began a new era - that they had anticipated through their calendars. The Mayans named it this new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or Nine Hells of 52 years each, as they spent nine cycles, the natives were stealing the land and freedom, while disease and oppression took over. What began with the arrival of Cortez lasted until August 16, 1987 - the date that many remember as the Harmonic Convergence, millions of people took advantage of that date to hold ceremonies in sacred sites, praying for a peaceful transition to the new era, World of the Fifth Sun
Since that day in 1987 until today, Barrios says, we are in a period in which the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but surely. We are on the cusp of an era when peace begins, and people will live in harmony with Mother Earth, we are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun: This is the middle period, that of transition.
In conjunction with this transition, there will be a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, wars and earth changes. All this, says Barrios, was planned with the help of simple mathematical spiral of the Mayan calendars. Barrios said: "It will change, everything will change."
He said that the Keepers of Time Maya considered the date of December 21, 2012 as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun will be launching a new era, characterized and derived from the meridian solar and galactic equator intersect the Earth will align with the center of the galaxy.
dawn on December 21, 2012 - for the first time in 26,000 years - the rising sun will coincide with the intersection of the Milky Way and the ecliptic plane, this cosmic intersection is considered the expression of the Sacred Tree, the Tree Life - a tree found in all spiritual traditions around the world. Some observers argue that in 2012 this alignment with the center of the galaxy that will open a channel cosmic energy flow through Earth, cleansing the planet and all its inhabitants, bringing everything to a higher level of vibration.
Barrios said that this process has already begun, and added: "Change is accelerating and will continue to accelerate." If the world population, says Barrios, manages to get to 2012 in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, will ascend to a new level, but to get there, we turn powerful forces that seek to block the road.
The understanding of time, seasons and the cycles of the Maya has proved large and sophisticated. The Maya interpret 17 different calendars, some of which calculate the precise time for a period of more than 10 million years. The calendar, which since 1987 has steadily received global attention is called Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij, it was conceived a long time ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, is still held sacred.
With indigenous calendars, native peoples have preserved the memory of important historical moments are crucial. The Keepers of time studying the calendar, for example, have identified an important date in the year One Reed (A reed, ndt), Ce Acatal, as he was called by the natives. By that time prophesied the return of an ancient ancestor, "which would come as a butterfly." In the Western calendar
One Reed date is Easter Sunday, April 21, 1519 - the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 English galleons arrived from the east in Mexico, near what is today called Vera Cruz. As the ship approached the English coast, the natives waited and watched as it turned out, the sails of ships certainly remembered the vanguard of butterflies that touched the surface of the ocean.
Thus began a new era - that they had anticipated through their calendars. The Mayans named it this new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or Nine Hells of 52 years each, as they spent nine cycles, the natives were stealing the land and freedom, while disease and oppression took over. What began with the arrival of Cortez lasted until August 16, 1987 - the date that many remember as the Harmonic Convergence, millions of people took advantage of that date to hold ceremonies in sacred sites, praying for a peaceful transition to the new era, World of the Fifth Sun
Since that day in 1987 until today, Barrios says, we are in a period in which the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but surely. We are on the cusp of an era when peace begins, and people will live in harmony with Mother Earth, we are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun: This is the middle period, that of transition.
In conjunction with this transition, there will be a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, wars and earth changes. All this, says Barrios, was planned with the help of simple mathematical spiral of the Mayan calendars. Barrios said: "It will change, everything will change."
He said that the Keepers of Time Maya considered the date of December 21, 2012 as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun will be launching a new era, characterized and derived from the meridian solar and galactic equator intersect the Earth will align with the center of the galaxy.
dawn on December 21, 2012 - for the first time in 26,000 years - the rising sun will coincide with the intersection of the Milky Way and the ecliptic plane, this cosmic intersection is considered the expression of the Sacred Tree, the Tree Life - a tree found in all spiritual traditions around the world. Some observers argue that in 2012 this alignment with the center of the galaxy that will open a channel cosmic energy flow through Earth, cleansing the planet and all its inhabitants, bringing everything to a higher level of vibration.
Barrios said that this process has already begun, and added: "Change is accelerating and will continue to accelerate." If the world population, says Barrios, manages to get to 2012 in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, will ascend to a new level, but to get there, we turn powerful forces that seek to block the road.
According to his understanding of traditional and Mayan calendars, Barrios has presented us with a picture of where we are and what we could find along the way before us: * Date
specified by the calendar - the winter solstice dl 2012 - does not indicate the end of the world. Many foreigners who take care of Maya calendars make a great noise on that date, but they know little or nothing, those who know are the indigenous elders are entrusted with the task of preserving the tradition.
* "Humanity will continue, counters, but in a different way. The material structures will change and from this we will have the opportunity to be more human."
* We live in the most important of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world and all traditions are converging. No time for games, spiritual I'ideale of this era is action.
* At this time many souls powerful you are reincarnated and have a lot of power, and this goes for both sides, light and darkness; I'alta magic is at work on both fronts.
* Things will change, but the difficulty or ease of such changes will depend on the people.
* The current economy is a farce. The first five years of transition - from August 1987 to August of 1992 - marked the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We are now at the stage for more than a decade, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact worthless
* Banks are in trouble, and are in a very delicate juncture, if we are not careful may go global . Among critical periods are the months of October and November of 2002, if the banking system will be bankrupt in the past few months we will be forced to rely on our earth and practical skills. The monetary system will be in chaos and, therefore, for food and shelter we rely on our direct relationship with the Earth [Until January 2003, banks have not failed, but that does not mean that this can not happen in the future ... Ed].
* The north and south poles are crumbling, the level of the ocean waters will rise, but at the same time, they will also land ocean, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bCuba
An appeal to the merger
At meetings Public Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies, held in Guatemala, and said that an elder Mam, which enjoys a high reputation and lives year-round in a secluded cave mountain, went to Chichicastenango to speak with people at the ceremony.
Elder sent a message simple and direct: he hoped that human beings come together in support of life and light and currently every individual or group goes its own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope that somehow the people of light gather and come together.
Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other, represent a balance. In this specific period, the dark side is very strong and it is clear what they want their representatives, who firmly maintain its vision, priorities and hierarchy, and are working in various ways so that in 2012 we are unable to connect to the spiral of Fifth World. On the side of light all think they are the most important and that their views or those of their groups, are the key, there is a diversity of cultures and opinions and, therefore, competition, dispersal and the absence of a single objective. "
To see how the Barrios, the dark side works to to prevent the merger taking advantage of denial and materialism, and also to destroy those who are working on the side of the earth to bring light to the next level. Its representatives love the energy of the old and decadent Fourth World, the materialism, and they do not want change, do not want the merger, they want to stay at this level and are afraid the next one.
The dark power of the decadent Fourth World can not be destroyed or defeated, it is too strong and to be intact, and that is the wrong strategy, the dark side may only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and sincerity. This is what lead to the merger - a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun
Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to an all too neglected. While the four traditional elements, earth, air, fire and water have dominated the ages of the past, in the era of the Fifth Sun will be a fifth element to consider: I'etere.
The dictionary defines the element rarefied air of heaven. Ether is a medium, permeating all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from those on mobile phones to those of human auras. What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens. Ether - the element is the Fifth Sun - is celestial and lacking in material substance, but no less real than wood, stone or flesh. In the words of
Barrios: "In the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities, no more light and darkness in people, but a high melting. At present, however, the kingdom of darkness does not pursue this, and its representatives have organized to stop it, try to determine an imbalance in the Earth and its environment so we are not ready to alignment of 2012. We must work together to achieve balance and peace with the other hand, we must take care of the Earth that nourishes us and our host, we must engage our minds and our hearts to achieve unity and fusion now, to deal with the counterparty and preserve life. "
ready to this epochal moment
Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical time in world history:" We are troubled, we can no longer afford a joke. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged, and it is now time of awakening and action. All are necessary, no one is here by chance and each has an important purpose. These are hard times but special. We have the opportunity to grow but we must be prepared for this momentous moment. "
Barrios offered a number of signs to help people to walk a balanced path in the years to come. "The prophesied changes are going to occur, but our attitude and our actions will determine the sweetness or bitterness."
We must act in order to determine changes and to elect as our representatives who understand the situation and undertake policy initiatives with respect to the Earth. Meditation and spiritual activities are valid, but so too is the action.
It is very important to be honest about who we are and our relationship with the planet.
developed according to your traditions and listen to the heart, but remember to respect the differences and seek unity.
Eat wisely. Many foods are contaminated, either openly or in less obvious way, be careful what you introduce into the body.
Learn to preserve food and energy.
Learn some good breathing technique in order to be able to master it.
Be honest. Follow a tradition that has noble roots, no matter what, your heart will tell you to, but it must have noble roots.
We live in a world of energy.
At this point an important task is to learn to perceive and identify the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants and animals. This becomes increasingly important as we approach the World of the Fifth Sun, as it is associated with the element ether - the realm where energy lives and unravels.
Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and have respect for one who feeds us, us as our host and we must reactivate the energy of these sacred sites here is our task.
According to the interpretation of the Mayan calendar by Barrios, if we have a war in November 2002 or after will be bad, but not a catastrophe, but if they] happen between April and November of 2003, it will be truly disastrous, and could have resulted in the deaths of two thirds of humanity. So let's do "- says Barrios -" if we act we can transform the planet. The elders oversee to see what happens. "
In the coming years, many elderly and custodians of knowledge could Maya be eliminated. For the first half of the current Katun (20 years), the dark side has plenty of power, but decrease over the next three or four years. The course of things can change, are going to extraordinary events occur.
A simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white candle or blue, think for a moment of peace, communicate its intention to flame and send the light to those leaders who have the power to make war or keep peace.
We have work to do spiritual
According to Barrios, the present is a moment of crucial importance for humanity and the planet. Each of us is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to be done to give balance to the planet. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can be brought into the world and assorbime Maya tradition. The Mayan long appreciated and respected the fact that there are many other colors, races, and spiritual systems. "They know" - said Barrios - "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the fate of the world." "The greatest wisdom nsiede simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forbearance. It is not complex or elaborate. True knowledge is available to all, is coded in DNA. Everything you need is inside you. The great masters have said since the beginning, you find your heart and you'll find your way. "
Adapted from
If we type "Year 2012" on the internet, we enter into a cauldron of speculation on what will happen this year, ranging from reversing the poles, to block the rotation of the earth, to catastrophes caused by a "secret world government."
In Actually, the only certainty that we have about the future of the human race is that - because of a palpable increase in energy which we are immersed in nature and individual mental acceleration - "around" the period is defined as the 2012 event will happen mentally and physically striking, which will change drastically certainties and mental attitudes with which mankind has lived in the past millennia .
change will manifest itself as a strong interaction between natural forces and man's mind. So, given the free will inherent in man, it is not possible to determine the exact date for this change.
In other words, depending on the dynamics of the mass of human thought (it must be remembered that the human mind creates, physically, their individual reality and collective), the period of change can be moved before or after the fateful date of 2012.
What we should feel certain that, however, the change will happen.
How to prepare? Through (all forms of) regular and sincere prayer, meditation, or simply feeling ready.
These are the tips that the Spirits of Light continue to give us warning that the fear of change is the primary energy to be removed from our minds and our hearts.
fact, every kind of fear is a low energy vibration, which prevents the mind to adapt to new, high energy who will take over after the events mentioned.
The function of the Pyramid of Light to favor the elimination of improper energy. As a result, the person will also be able to help others to change. However, it is informative to see what other sites mentioned.
Adapted from
If we type "Year 2012" on the internet, we enter into a cauldron of speculation on what will happen this year, ranging from reversing the poles, to block the rotation of the earth, to catastrophes caused by a "secret world government."
In Actually, the only certainty that we have about the future of the human race is that - because of a palpable increase in energy which we are immersed in nature and individual mental acceleration - "around" the period is defined as the 2012 event will happen mentally and physically striking, which will change drastically certainties and mental attitudes with which mankind has lived in the past millennia .
change will manifest itself as a strong interaction between natural forces and man's mind. So, given the free will inherent in man, it is not possible to determine the exact date for this change.
In other words, depending on the dynamics of the mass of human thought (it must be remembered that the human mind creates, physically, their individual reality and collective), the period of change can be moved before or after the fateful date of 2012.
What we should feel certain that, however, the change will happen.
How to prepare? Through (all forms of) regular and sincere prayer, meditation, or simply feeling ready.
These are the tips that the Spirits of Light continue to give us warning that the fear of change is the primary energy to be removed from our minds and our hearts.
fact, every kind of fear is a low energy vibration, which prevents the mind to adapt to new, high energy who will take over after the events mentioned.
The function of the Pyramid of Light to favor the elimination of improper energy. As a result, the person will also be able to help others to change. However, it is informative to see what other sites mentioned.
For example, the site read:
Saturday, December 22, 2012, the end of the world?
This date refers to a prophecy that the Maya civilization became more than 5000 years ago. This prophecy tells us that date as the end of the world, it indicates the point of concluding a galactic year.
remember that the Maya have found that as the Earth orbits the Sun, the solar system in which the earth is also running around the galaxy, thus a complete tour of the solar system around the galaxy takes 25,625 years, this is called "galactic year". Saturday, 22 December 2012 ends a "galactic year".
The prophecy tells us that there will be some big changes, climate for our planet, the spiritual among humans, but the world after that date will continue to exist and live.
Mayan Prophecies
... They divided the time into a series of cycles ... Each cycle lasted 1 million and 872,000 days. The cycle we are now experiencing began August 13 of year 3114 before Christ and will end December 22, 2012 AD ... From: . These famous Mayan prophecies actually
are not true prophecy, but simply a calendar. A calendar that they are from 3000 BC and they do conclude in 2012. From: Cultural Association Saras .
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