In My Mailbox (1) I decided I also participate in this wonderful book. The day will be the poster in my mailbox on Saturday (or in rare cases to Sunday). Here is what I received this week:
first novel I bought it Monday and "The Summoning-The Call of the shadows" by Kelley Armstrong's Fazi Editore here's the plot and the cover:
Chloe Saunders, a teenager like many. A few dreams and no particular aspiration, but to graduate with a decent rating, have many friends, maybe find a guy to love. Yet, though his expectations are so high, ever would have expected that in the bathroom of the school rather than girls who are based makeup or talking about the football player who invited them to the ball, he would find the janitor. A janitor who is now dead. But Chloe can see ghosts and the ghosts can see you. His life will not be never be the same. Very soon the ghosts are everywhere, need attention, call upon his help. It is too much for her: she has a nervous breakdown, as to be interned in a home for disturbed children, Lyle House, "a place to find serenity" would read the brochure, if there were one. Unfortunately, the reality turns out to be less glossy and quite soon, when Chloe know better than the other patients-l 'charming Simon and obnoxious brother Derek, obnoxious Tori, and the Rae, who has a "little problem" with fire - will begin to realize that c 'is something strange and sinister binds them all, this is not the usual "Girl, Interrupted," which is a much darker vein that is hidden in the foundations of Lyle House ...
And finally, the latest novel by the exchange received a loan on aNobii.
Here what I got from Lara, "A love-Lover Revealend violated" the edition of JRWard Mondolibri here below the plot and the cover:
Butch O'Neal was a policeman before the killings CaldwelI become a friend and the adventures of vampires of the Brotherhood, in whose headquarters was established. Falls in love with Marissa, a vampire, too beautiful, too aristocratic, too sophisticated for him. But when the "lesser" sworn enemies of vampires, kidnapped him and imprint a brand evil, Butch discovers, to be a predestined, and possess a deadly weapon against his "lesser" It may well be admitted into the Brotherhood, but first must overcome ordeals, in a way journey that leads him to the gates of death and nearer the unattainable creature that has bewitched. The next Saturday
In My Mailbox
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