Saturday, September 27, 2008

Someone In House Has Mono, How Do I Not Get It

Obama = Kennedy?

Although the time is very different, it is impossible not to notice certain parallels between the situation that America is experiencing today with Barak Obama, and that he was living in 1968 America with Robert Kennedy.

In both cases the land was worn by a war so costly as unjustified, which had lasted too long and cost too many lives to be fought by American soldiers. The Vietnam War, commissioned by Republican hawks with the open complicity of the Democratic Johnson, and that of Afghanistan and Iraq, wanted by the neocons with the silent complicity of Democrats like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry or Joe Liberman.

disadvantaged Party, Robert Kennedy won the nomination of the party because of its position clearly in favor of immediate withdrawal of troops, ...
... that prevailed over the more ambiguous favorite contestant and Hubert Humphrey. Disadvantaged party, Barak Obama won the nomination of the party because of its position clearly in favor of immediate withdrawal of troops that have prevailed over the much more ambiguous and the favored competitor Clinton.

Both Kennedy that Obama brought their political discourse to the masses of the poor, minorities segregated and forgotten all over America, with a platform far more liberal - or more "exciting" for the base Democratic, during the primaries, but more risky for president real - of their more moderate rival.
no coincidence that the 'endorsement' most significant received by Obama during the primaries came precisely from Ted Kennedy, younger brother of senator killed in Los Angeles, and unwavering tradition bearer liberal in Washington.

Of course, everyone is hoping that the parallels end up here, and that Obama comes alive and well for the presidency in November, as it failed to make Robert Kennedy.
But it is precisely here that the differences between the two start: much more cautious and diplomatic, Obama could certainly do some good - if elected to the White House - to remedy the disastrous situation inside America, but you will not see some spear into battle against the Mafia or the multinational steel, as did Robert Kennedy instead.

But those, as we said, were other times, they were times of idealism, ideology and the redefinition of values. Today is it finally time to put into practice, grain of salt, the ideals sown with great courage and devotion by Senator killed in Los Angeles forty years ago.

Massimo Mazzucco


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