Monday, July 21, 2008

Low Lights On Dark Hair

Cause Marketing in the dental

As a professional you're busy every day to provide a service at the highest levels of performance for the satisfaction of your patients.

To continue working in this context it is necessary that you ensure a steady flow of new acquisitions in terms of patients and volume of work just to be able to balance the proper ratio of operating costs to the benefit provided.

Unfortunately the economic situation, the mechanics of acquisition of new clients, the liberalization of competition and the fact that no professional has ever thought his career as a real company, make the dreaded syndrome of "empty chair "is spreading a growing number of dental offices.

Dealing with a new approach to the market by ensuring a healthy and steady flow of new patients is the purpose of this blog.

Free and with the help of marketing experts will publish tips and experiences easily reproducible for the satisfaction of the professional and his staff. Why

performance, price, location and service in general, are just some of the tools suitable for a proper and profitable management of a dental practice.

In the coming months we will learn how:

- optimize the costs of consumables and get 30% more output from their suppliers at the same price;

- 20% reduction in the cost of staff, motivating and training the most of their employees;

- increased up to 400% the number of its customers with the new techniques of social marketing;

- how to write a web site with high traffic

- write up and beat the competition with a brochure;

- multiply the turnover and increase corporate profitability by reducing costs and maximizing cash flow;

- to attract the type of customer you want;

- how to turn an "umbilical cord" that ties and loyalty to your patients Studio ......

If you are a professional interested, you can express this interest in booking a free brochure at:

Follow us e. .. spread the word!



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