Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pirsing Genital Extrem

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Does The Jelly Bracelet Colors Mean

35 points of the lawmaker's indictment against Bush Kucinich

35 points against the prosecution of Bush Kucinich:

Article I Creating a secret propaganda campaign to manufacture false case for war against Iraq

Article II

Having falsely inflated, and systematically criminal intent attacks of 11 September 2001, falsely representing Iraq as a security threat, as part of a fraudulent justification for a war of aggression

Article III

having misled the American people and members of Congress to make them believe that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction in order to make false arguments for war

Article IV

having misled the American people and members of Congress up to make them believe that Iraq would put an imminent threat to the United States Article V

Having illegally spent funds to secretly begin a war of aggression

Article VI

invasion of Iraq in violation of what is required by Article VII HJRes114

invasion of Iraq without a declaration of war

Article VIII

invasion of Iraq, a sovereign state, in violation of the UN Charter
Article IX

failed to provide protections to soldiers of the body [Body Armor] and armor vehicles [Vehicle Armor]

Article X

falsifying reports for political purposes on the death and injuries of U.S. soldiers

Article XI

have established permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq Article XII

Having started a war against Iraq for control their natural resources

Article XIIII

Having created a secret task force to develop energy and military policies in Iraq and other countries regarding Article XIV of

Failure to Report Crime [Misprision of a Felony], misuse and publication of classified information and obstruction of justice in the case of Valerie Plame Wilson, an undercover agent of the Central Intelligence Agency

Article XV

have provided immunity from legal proceedings in criminal contractors in Iraq Article XVI

and reckless misuse and waste of tax money from the U.S. about Iraq and U.S. Contractors Article XVII

Detention illegal detaining indefinitely and without charge both U.S. citizens as foreign prisoners

Article XVIII Torture: to have secretly authorized and encouraged, as official policy, the use of torture on prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places

Article XIX Rendition: kidnap people for having made them take them against their will in "places secrets "[" Black Sites "] located in other nations, including nations known to practice torture

Article XX

Imprisonment of children

Article XXI

misleading the Congress and the American people about threats from Iran, have supported terrorist groups inside Iran to overthrow the Iranian government

Article XXII Creating Secret Laws Article XXIII

Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act [the law limiting the use of the army functions police within the U.S. ndt]

Article XXIV Spying on

American citizens without a warrant authorizing a court, in violation of the law and the Fourth Amendment Article XXV

Having directed the telecommunications companies to establish a database of illegal and unconstitutional private telephone numbers and email addresses of American Citizens Article XXVI

Having announced the intent to violate any law by the Signing Statements [sort of statement Decrees of the President ndt]

Article XXVII

not have complied with subpoenas [subpoenas] and the Congress have instructed former employees because they fail to comply with Article XXVIII

Tampering free and fair elections, corruption

Administration of Justice Article XXIX Conspiracy

once a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Article XXX

misleading the Congress and the American people in an attempt to destroy the Medicare program

Article XXXI Katrina: do not have established plans in view of the expected disaster of Hurricane Katrina, have not responded to an emergency civil

Article XXXII

misleading the Congress and the American people, systematically undermining efforts to tackle Global Climate Change Article XXXIII

Having repeatedly ignored and not be answered, before September 11, for high-level intelligence warnings of planned terrorist attacks on U.S.

Article XXXIV Obstruction to investigate the attacks of 11 September 2001 Article XXXV

Having made risk the health of first responders to 9 / 11

Original title: "U.S. Congressman Moves to Impeach Bush"

Source: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/